Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Whole-body Vibration No effect on jump performance

People love to only talk about the positive studies about never training and treatment concepts but I wanted to post a negative study on whole-body vibration because well.....I never see anything negative on the web and there still is some debate as to its effectiveness. I have still have not made up my mind on this topic.

Acute whole-body vibration does not affect static jump performance
European Journal of Sport Science
Volume 11, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 19 - 25
Authors: Ashley Kavanaugha; Michael W. Ramseya; William A. Sandsb; G. Gregory Haffc; Michael H. Stonea
DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2010.481333


Currently, whole-body vibration is being used to promote enhanced performance. Many coaches and athletes believe that it can acutely enhance explosive performance and power output. However, the scientific literature is unclear as to whether this enhancement occurs. The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of whole-body vibration on static jump performance, including jump height, peak force, rate of force development, and peak power. Fourteen recreationally active individuals (5 females, 9 males) participated in three separate randomized treatment sessions. Treatment 1 consisted of no vibration while treatment 2 and treatment 3 incorporated whole-body vibration. The whole-body vibration protocol consisted of three 30-s bouts of vibration performed at 30 Hz and low amplitude (~3 mm) with a 30-s rest between bouts. Treatment 1 was identical in duration to both treatments 2 and 3, but did not contain any vibration. Five minutes after each treatment, the participants performed the static jump protocols. Two (data averaged) non-weighted static jumps and two 20 kg weighted jumps were performed. Treatments 1 vs. 2, 1 vs. 3, and 2 vs. 3 were calculated for each variable at both 0 kg and 20 kg. Jump height, peak force, rate of force development, and peak power were analysed using a one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. The intra-class correlations comparing the two trials of each jump for each of the three treatments were ≥0.92. Compared with the no-vibration condition, jump height showed a non-significant increase as a result of whole-body vibration for both unweighted and weighted jumps; peak force, rate of force development, and peak power were not statistically different. The results indicate that whole-body vibration has no effect on jump height, peak force, rate of force development or peak power during static jumping.
Keywords: Vibration; jumping; peak power; peak force; rate of force development
Affiliations: a Department of Physical Education and Exercise Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
b Performance Services, US Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, Colorado
c Department of Human Performance and Applied Exercise Science, West Virginia School of Medicine, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

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